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Paola Navone: Księgarnia Sztuka Architektury
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Paola Navone

103,95 zł Cena
In her prized creations Milanese artist Paola Navone welds together the opposite tastes of eastern and western cultures to a global, multi-cultural mix of styles. She is an architect, a designer, an art director, an interior decorator. She has presented a host of exhibition and events, designing for the great names in Italian furniture such as Driade, Knoll, Alessi, Armani Casa and Zanotta. This monograph features a cross-section of her work.
Concrete Design
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Concrete Design

124,95 zł Cena

Dostępność: na zamówienie Today, concrete as a building material has a solid place in the designs of architects and engineers. The times when it used to be regarded as 'cold' and even 'brutal' are long gone now. On the contrary, the improved image of concrete is trendy and chic, but simultaneously unobtrusive and timeless.

Patricia Urquiola
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Patricia Urquiola

85,05 zł Cena
Dostępność: na zamówienie W Mediolanie - stolicy designu, wszyscy twórcy są bohaterami. Męskimi bohaterami. Z jednym wyjątkiem. Jest nim Patricia Urquiola. Po ukończeniu studiów objęła kierownictwo działu projektowego Piero Lissoni. W 2001 roku otworzyła własne studio i dziś pracuje z takimi markami jak: Moroso, Cappellini, Kartell, Alessi i Boffi. W pracy towarzyszy jej ciekawość - wg Urquioli przedmiot powinien wzbudzać pragnienie jego dotknięcia. Inspiracją do projektów jest świat dookoła - sztuka, podróże, moda. Urquiola dużą uwagę poświęca także rzemiosłu, wykorzystuje nowe, nietypowe materiały i łączy je w rzeźbiarskie skręty, wklęsłe i wypukłe powierzchnie. Monografia prezentuje jej twórczość na różnych polach projektowania.
Matali Crasset
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Matali Crasset

93,45 zł Cena
Dostępność: na zamówienie Pozycja przedstawia prace i projekty młodej, ale bardzo obiecującej projektantki przemysłowej Matali Crasset. Uchodzi za znawcę domowych zwyczajów i rytuałów oraz mistrzynię w wiązaniu ich z nowoczesną technologią.
Jean-Marie Massaud
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Jean-Marie Massaud

92,40 zł Cena
Dostępność: na zamówienie This volume of a series about young but already very successful architects and designers introduces to the projects of the hip designer Jean-Marie Massaud. As a kid he wanted to be an inventor, these days, his aim is to construct a human vision of sustainable development in the service of life itself. Invention in order to bring form to thought. Constructing to give life substance. The book shows recent urban projects, interior design, furniture and objects, including numerous floor plans and outlines.
Hi-Tec Architecture
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Hi-Tec Architecture

208,95 zł Cena
Dostępność: na zamówienie This new series focuses on brand new trends in architecture and interior design. High Tech Architecture deals with projects all around the world, showing a trendsetting use of new materials and high-tech design. Especially new trends with glas, steel and mediafacades are featured. About 50 projects are presented in alphabetical order of the respective architects and designers. Beside numerous images, also plans and texts introduce to the projects. An index with contact information is enclosed.
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114,45 zł Cena
During the last 50 years, the plastic industry has grown at an incredible pace until becoming part of nearly all the areas of human activity. Plastic materials moreover have made practically any architectural solution affordable to all. This book contains dozens of examples and architectural projects which have used plastic in one or various of their features: walls, illumination, roofs, facades, furniture...The examples featured cover practically all the possible applications of plastic materials in contemporary architecture. An index of contact information of the designer and architects is enclosed.
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198,45 zł Cena
Inspired by far-away places in Asia, Africa and South America, people create small oases in private homes to remind them of exotic cultures. Thus ethno design has become a new trend in interior design: tropical wood furniture, bright colors like orange and red, ethno art and accessoires such as african sculptures, were rediscovered and merged with modern interiors. Exotic elements such as buddha statues, palmtrees and animal rugs are blended with modern architecture. Modern Ethno Design presents around 50 outstanding projects inspired by the fusion and powers of pagan rites. An index with contact information is enclosed. available
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114,45 zł Cena
56 new projects present the new trends in Lobby Design all over the world. The lobby is a passing place, a transitory space. It is the first point of contact with the place visited from the street. The great challenge for the architect and client is to achieve a space in which the visitor would like to stay. The book is divided into chapters and gives an overview of all kinds of lobbies, such as in public buildings, airports and hotels but as well in private apartment houses. The projects will be presented in alphabetical order of the designers. As far as available plans will be shown. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed. SERIA: Design Books
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114,45 zł Cena
Już w czasach Neolitu materiały ceramiczne stanowiły duży procent materiałów budowalnych. Kontynuowano jego użycie w Imperium Chińskim oraz cywilizacjach Islamskich i Mezopotamii. Jego naturalne wartości i adaptacje do rozmaitych funkcji pozwalają, w połączeniu z nowoczesnymi technikami produkcji, stasować ceramikę współcześnie w wielu miejscach budynku. Jest wodoodporna, ognioodporna i hypoalergiczna. Czasy architektury ceramicznej trwają od wieków i nigdy nie znikną tworząc styl ponadczasowy. W książce taj pokazano ponad 40 projektantów i producentów wraz z ich wybitnymi i nowatorskimi dziełami z użyciem ceramiki. Od zewnętrznych elementów fasad do architektury wnętrz na ścianach i podłogach.
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113,40 zł Cena

In recent years the lines that define the characteristics of the modern house have lost the severity that distinguished them in the past. Although the uses that a home must fulfil – cooking, relaxation, personal hygiene, interaction with other people, etc. – remain the same as ever, the solutions for tackling them are now very different and diverse.

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177,45 zł Cena

Dostępność:na zamowienie Only a few decades ago, Dubai was merely a tranquil Bedouin city. Today, the skyline of a boomtown rises from the desert. Reports about it are distinguished by superlatives. In particular, reports regardign new buildings in this country of little shadow overshadow anything that has been constructed before. Burj Al Arab, currently the world's largest luxury hotel, with its also technically unique facade is just one example of these buildings. Palm Project or Hydropolis, both visionary, artificially created islands belong to the same category.

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114,45 zł Cena
This second volume of a new series about young architects introduces to the projects of 57 young and innovative architects from India to Australia. The book features key architectural works in the form of luscious images and insightful descriptions. An index with contact information of the architects is also enclosed.
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177,45 zł Cena

Tom ten prezentuje 30 projektów z ostatnich 3-5 lat. Projekty te zaprezentowane są w porządku alfabetycznym według architektów i designerów, w bardzo czysty i klarowny sposób. Plany i rzuty pokazują koncepcje budynków oraz poszczególne pomieszczenia.

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114,45 zł Cena
Architecture has advanced quickly in the field of constructive materials, which are fundamental when fulfilling dreams of raising massive buildings. Amongst these materials that have had the biggest influence in the creation of this kind of architecture is steel. As a result of a carbon-alloy, steel is ductile but at the same time resistant and tough. Today it is not only present in the structure of all types of buildings, but also used in designs for household objects and plays a major role in avant-garde interior design. On the basis of about 40 projects this book shows how multifariously steel can be leveraged. Plans of the projects will be shown as far as available. An index of contact information of the designer and architects is enclosed.
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114,45 zł Cena
Stair Design brings together more than seventy recent projects from all over the world, which respond to highly diverse needs: from just a few steps compensating the changing level in a loft, to never-ending staircases that rise up the facade of a skyscraper. Included in each section and classified according to their public or private use are numerous examples of stairs built from the most commonly used materials; wood, metal, re-enforced concrete and glass, or a combination of these, often used to maximize the design's efficiency. A swell as the wide-ranging sample of typologies and materials, Stair Design offers a selection of creative solutions for elements such as banisters or lighting, which are fundamental as the steps themselves.
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61,95 zł Cena

. Z punktu widzenia nowoczesnej nauki, logistyki, statystyki oraz pojemności i wytrzymałości konstrukcji współczesne stadiony piłkarskie to prawdziwe, architektoniczne arcydzieła. Zwykle muszą one w ciągu paru minut przyjąć tysiące wchodzących widzów. Podczas różnej pogody ogromne boiska powinny spełnić wymóg bezpieczeństwa, a widownia ma się na stadionie dobrze czuć. I ostatnie, acz nie najmniej ważne: stadiony piłkarskie to miejsca spotkań ludzi ze zróżnicowanych grup społecznych, zawodów i w różnym wieku. Spotykają się na nich przecież robotnicy, studenci, emeryci, politycy oraz przedsiębiorcy. W niniejszej książce zaprezentowano 12 stadionów, będących miejscem rozgrywek Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej z 2006 roku (FIFA World Championship).

  • Niedostępny


208,95 zł Cena

HI_TEC ARCHITECTURE presents pioneering and exceptional architectural innovations, which have left their indelible mark on the face of international architecture. Over 40 spectacular projects illustrate the technical possibilities and the spectrum of materials, which today are applied in more and more groundbreaking ways. Hi-tec architecture has been an architectural genre of its own since the 1970s. 

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208,95 zł Cena

It is true, that our society is evolving at an increasingly rapid pace. Our way of life is changing along with our needs. In recent years the climate has been changing in a way that is perceptible for the first time in human existence. Therefore new building materials, groundbreaking techniques or a simple return to traditional forms of construction, together with carefully studied systems for saving energy and making the most of the resources afforded by nature, are conforming contemporary architecture. Passive energy-saving systems, sustainable materials and the concept of designs made to last decades are reactions to the growing awareness about the environment from the local to the global viewpoint.

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208,95 zł Cena
Książka wydawnictwa daab opowiada o odpowiednim użyciu koloru w architekturze, przedstawia kolor jako głównyo element zewnętrznego i wewnętrznego designu. Zaprezentowane tu projekty obrazują najróżniejsze możliwości podejścia do koloru. Książka zawiera swoistą miksturę złożoną z międzynarodowych architektów, designerów i projektów, przedstawionych w porządku alfabetycznym. Ponadto zawiera indeks z kontaktami do poszczególnych twórców i biur projektowych.