H. F. Ullmann

H. F. Ullmann

Aktywne filtry

  • Autor: Fischer Joachim
  • Autor: praca zbiorowa
SZTUKA BAROKU. Architektura. Rzeźba. Malarstwo : ksa24.pl
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61,85 zł Cena
Architektura i pozostałe dziedziny sztuki w epoce baroku pojmowały świat jako wielki teatr. Zamiłowanie papieży w Rzymie do przepychu, oszałamiające bogactwo na dworze Króla Słońce oraz malarstwo niderlandzkie - wszystko odzwierciedla różnorakie aspekty boskiego porządku
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61,85 zł Cena
Włoski renesans to jedna z najwspanialszych epok kultury europejskiej. Autorzy starają się z jednej strony udostępnić podstawową wiedzę na temat renesansu, a z drugiej uwzględnić jego wizualną prezentację. Czytelnik ... zapozna się z rozwojem głównych gatunków artystycznych - architektury, rzeźby, malarstwa, rysunku, i dowie się, dzięki jakim okolicznościom i od jakich artystów pochodziły najbardziej twórcze inspiracje
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78,75 zł Cena

This illustrated volume on "Plazzi of Rome" presents the magnificent residences of popes and nobles of the Eternal City in an extraordinarily comprehensive and vivid way. Each palazzo and villa is described within its art historical context. Brilliant photographs capture the atmosphere of these fine palaces and villas in their whole splendor. How tightly the histories of the Borghese, Farnese, Colonna, Corsini, and many other of the grand old Roman families are interwoven with the histories of their stately residences becomes evident in the effort they spent in the construction, decoration, and upkeep of the buildings.

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78,75 zł Cena

Von schlichten Zelten bis zu den legendären, allzeit beliebten Behausungen auf Rädern wie Caravans und Wohnmobilen, von Wohnwagen über ausgeklügelte mobile Gebäude für Veranstaltungen oder Krisensituationen bis zu Containern als Module für zeitgenössische Fertigarchitektur: Sie sind preiswert, leicht zu bauen und umweltfreundlich. All diese und viele andere mobile Behausungen stellt dieses faszinierende, originelle Buch in detaillierten Beschreibungen und beeindruckenden Farbbildern vor.

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628,95 zł Cena

Christianity is the most widespread religion in the world. ARS SACRA pays the due tribute to its art and architecture; a comprehensive compendium presenting just under 2000 years of Christian art, from early Christianity to the present day, with an abundance of illustrations. These include high quality photographs in XXL-format, making this an opulent feast for the senses. This glorious tome impresses with the detail views specifically fitted for the format, which allows the viewer to come within grasp of the displayed objects, often even closer than in reality, and to leisurely indulge in the details.

Lofts. Living Working Trading
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Lofts. Living Working Trading

53,24 zł Cena
Dostępność: na zamówienie Designers, architects, and owners have taken the maksimum advantage of these cold spaces, transforming them into luxurioly bright open areas by using original structual elements.
Asian design destinatons
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Asian design destinatons

257,25 zł Cena

Luxusresorts auf Pfählen, eine Bar, die sich in Bangkoks Straßen ausnimmt wie ein UFO und ein unterirdisches Museum. Was verbindet diese Orte? Sie setzen Trends in Architektur und Design. Asian Design Destinations ist ein Ereignis für die Sinne. Es entführt den Betrachter an die faszinierendsten Plätze in Asien und Fernost. Ist es Kunst? Architektur? Eine Mode? Wird es unserer Zeit einen Stempel aufdrücken, dauerhaft? Wer kann das heute schon sagen. Eines aber ist jetzt bereits sicher. Es ist all das: elektrisierend, verrückt, aufregend, verwegen, märchenhaft – großartig.

Bauhaus: Księgarnia Sztuka Architektury
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135,45 zł Cena
"Today, more than 85 years after its inception, the Bauhaus style still emanates vitality. As a school that strove to combine applied art with both the fine arts and technology, the Bauhaus movement has outlasted all other trends in architecture and design. The present volume provides insight into the historical, cultural, philosophical, political and pedagogical background of the 1930s, when the Bauhaus was founded."
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61,95 zł Cena
Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. Similarly to people, our formative first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. Containing around 250 full colour illustrations, the Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the other hand achieve surprising results when used in association or combination with each other.
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53,55 zł Cena
More and more architects and designers regard wallpaper as an important medium of interior design. The pendulum is today once again swinging in the direction of more expressive patterns. Creative wall design in thereby definitely a current trend in interior decoration
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63,00 zł Cena
Light is the central design element concerning our perception and has the power to change the mental state we are in. Light is equally elementary for life as we are water and air. The industrial developments of the past few years have made possible amazing lights and lamp designs. This volume illustrates the many new possibilities as well giving some practical examples of how to apply light
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208,95 zł Cena

Starting with the latest trends, Modern Furniture presents the most important developments in furniture design over the past 150 years. Beside the highlights, both classics and newcomers, this publication showcases unusual, well – known, mass – produced as well as avant – garde objects. Meubles modernes presente les tendances les plus actuelles, mais egalement les evolutions et les creations qui ont marque le design de meubles des 150 dernieres annees.

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61,95 zł Cena
Dostępność: produkt niedostępny Minimalism: Less is more: minimalism stands for simple, clear and often geometric forms. This book offers a well-grounded overview of this architectural style, one of contemporary architecture's major trends. After an introduction to the development and consequences of minimalism in the arts, the book presents a number of international projects. Clearly written, informative articles and a wide range of high-quality colour photographs provide a broad overview of the possibilities of minimalist design in the areas of fashion, architecture, furnishing and interior design.
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143,85 zł Cena
Houses, penthouses, apartments, lofts - this book`s excellent photographs offer unique insights into more than 40 unusual and quite different examples of residential architecture from around the world. An elegant apartment high above the roofs of New York, a Swiss wooden chalet with a fantastic view of the Lago Maggiore, the outlandish loft dwelling in Vienna or the cool L-shaped residential house architecture in Yokohama: all the residential properties depicted and described have been designed by internationally renowned architects and designers whose biographies are presented alongside their visions and creative concepts.
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187,95 zł Cena

Living in a box - and what a box it is! Working with restructured space conditions, contemporary architecture and modern design have accepted the challenge of creating exciting living environments, at the same time windows on the world and places for rest and leisure. Elegance meets diversity pragmatic solutions seamlessly integrate with aesthetics in these remarkable symbioses or urban living spaces and exclusive design.From mini-studios to attics and luxury one-roomed lofts, this volume comprises a vast catalogue of the finest architectural designs for apartments all over the world, created by renowned architects and designers.

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187,95 zł Cena
Dostępność:na zamowienie From small urban houses to large beach getaways, this book brings together a vast selection of the most interesting and specular residential projects constructed in the last few years.
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124,95 zł Cena

Dostępność:na zamowienie "Botanica" is the universal standard work for garden enthusiasts and botanists alike. The collaboration of a team of international experts has resulted in a reference work that illustrates the rich diversity of our flora with a myriad of indigenous and exotic plants. More than 10,000 genera and species from A for Abelia to Z for Zygopetalum - are clearly presented. Richly illustrated with colour detail and large-format images, this botanical alphabet offers a wealth of information about starting, caring for, reproducing and propagating plants as well as their appearance and special qualities. A glossary and an index of the English names and various synonyms allow you easy access to species and families.

Madrid and the/und der Prado: Art and Architecture/Kunst und Architektur
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Madrid and the/und der...

207,90 zł Cena
Ohne Zweifel - der Prado steht für Madrid wie der Louvre für Paris und die Uffizien für Florenz. Eine klug kommentierte Führung durch dieses Museum ist daher unverzichtbar, um Madrid auf den Grund zu gehen. In diesem reich bebilderten Band treten jedoch nicht nur Stadt und Kunst in ein dynamisches Verhältnis. Er präsentiert auch die lange und wechselvolle Geschichte der Stadt Madrid – von den Ursprüngen über ihre Reize als Residenz bis zum Bürgerkrieg und der Moderne, die in den zahllosen Kirchen, Gebäuden und Plätzen ihren Ausdruck findet. Der kompetent geschriebene und visuell anspruchsvolle Band macht bereits das bloße Blättern zu einem kulturell vergnüglichen Streifzug durch die Stadt.
FLORENCE. Art & Architecture
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FLORENCE. Art & Architecture

52,40 zł Cena

Niedostępna Florence - nowhere else are so many art works of the first order to be found in such a small space: the world-famous paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Caravaggio and Raphael, Michelangelo's celebrated David, the magnificently decorated Florentine churches of Santa Maria Novella, San Lorenzo, and Santa Croce with their outstanding fresco cycles and funerary chapels, and not least, architectural masterpieces such as the Cathedral, Giotto's Campanile, and the Baptistery, to mention just a few highlights.Year by year, they cast millions of visitors from all over the world under their spell.

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177,45 zł Cena
Dostępność:na zamowienie This richly illustrated volume offers a comprehensive insight into this metropolis' boundless diversity. In sensitively written texts the author presents a journey through the most significant stages of Berlin's artistic and architectural history, from its beginning to the present day. More than 600 splendid photographs document the eventful artistic and cultural development of this extraordinary city, which to this day is famous for its pulsating life. The Reichstag building, the Brandenburg Gate, the Palace of Charlottenburg, and Potsdamer Platz are only a few of the many stops the viewer can explore in detail.
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61,95 zł Cena
These comprehensive guides cover all major places of interest, with numerous essays on history and culture. With town plans and many illustrations. 600 ilustracji