

Aktywne filtry

  • Autor: Daniela Santos Quartino
INSIDE OUT: Księgarnia Sztuka Architektury
  • Niedostępny


82,95 zł Cena
As the popularity of outdoor living spaces has grown, they have become versatile extensions of the most used interior spaces. Homeowners and designers have joined forces to create outdoor settings as comfortable and practical as interior spaces. Inside Out! focuses on furniture and other traditionally indoor features such as fully equipped kitchens, fireplaces, and speaker systems. These new amenities provide all that is necessary for delightful moments at home—but outside the house. Find refreshing ideas and creative examples that will help you create a comfortable outdoor living space!
  • Niedostępny


72,45 zł Cena

Homeowners are feathering their nests, and the one area of home improvement that continues to grow is sunrooms. As interest grows, so does the variety and style of sunrooms and conservatories. Whether you want to use a sunroom as a dining area, a playroom, an office space, or simply a room in which to relax and let the outdoors in, you need a plan. This book includes exactly what every homeowner is seeking; hands-on, practical information; inspirational images; and templates for each style, ranging from Victorian to Edwardian and from regency to modern-in short, all the information you need to choose a style and design your own sunroom. The book also includes a CD ROM to help design your sunroom, discussion of interior furnishings, sourcing materials, and much more.