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Indeks: 100 Contemporary Green Buildings
Where the grass really is greener Eco-friendly building in the world today The most exciting new buildings in the world are now almost all environmentally aware, sustainable, and conceived to consume far less energy than ever before. That architecture is one of the major sources of greenhouse gases in the world makes this new trend all the more significant. This book brings the best examples of green projects from the Architecture Now! series together with numerous new, never-seen-before projects. Well-known architects like Frank Gehry and Norman Foster are present right alongside young, up-and-coming creators from Latin America, the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Where the grass really is greener Eco-friendly building in the world today The most exciting new buildings in the world are now almost all environmentally aware, sustainable, and conceived to consume far less energy than ever before. That architecture is one of the major sources of greenhouse gases in the world makes this new trend all the more significant. This book brings the best examples of green projects from the Architecture Now! series together with numerous new, never-seen-before projects. Well-known architects like Frank Gehry and Norman Foster are present right alongside young, up-and-coming creators from Latin America, the United States, Europe, and Asia. This is not a technical book, nor are its contents limited to any predefined category. Being “green” means being aware of the responsibility implied in the construction and use of modern buildings, and there are many ways to express this rising consciousness. Some solutions, the ones generally called “passive,” are as old as the history of architecture, while others are born of cutting-edge technologies. Both approaches and many more are included in this groundbreaking collection of 100 of the world’s most innovative and recent eco-friendly buildings.
Shafak opowiada historię wielkiego architekta imperium otomańskiego, niejakiego Mimara Sinana, który budował dla trzech sułtanów, w tym dla Sulejmana Wspaniałego. Stworzył ponad dziewięćdziesiąt meczetów, pięćdziesiąt szkół, dwadzieścia mauzoleów, wiele mostów, akweduktów i łaźni, lecz jego nazwisko nie jest nam znane. Shafak przywraca go światu zachodniemu, zaś opowieść o jego pracy jest przede wszystkim pretekstem do opowiedzenia o Stambule – mieście totalnym, stanowiącym świat sam w sobie. Głównym bohaterem jest Dżahan, uczeń wielkiego Sinana, który przez przypadek zostaje opiekunem białego słonia o imieniu Czhota, będącego podarunkiem dla sułtana od wielkiego szacha.
Prace te zostały nazwane "autonomicznymi rysunkami architektonicznymi.
One of the world’s most important collections of twentieth-century design—the Stewart Collection in Montreal—celebrates its thirtieth anniversary in 2010. The Stewart Collection incorporates iconic furniture, ceramics, textiles, posters, graphic art, jewelry, and everyday objects from the 1930s to today. This book presents items chronologically, highlighting contrasts and parallels between works including posters by Max Bill and an armchair by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Dostępność: na zamówienie Peter Exley, AIA and Sharon Exley are teachers, educative designers, and generators of good ideas; together they have amassed an impressive portfolio of interactive environments for children. Their firm, architectureisfun, develops architecture, interiors, exhibits, and learning resources for clients interested in sensorial and enlightened experiences as part of daily life. This publication examines architectureisfun's unique methodology that integrates architecture, learning, design and experience in its award-winning projects designed specifically for children. 'Kids on the Fly' at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport is one such project.
Dostępność: na zamówienie With designers constantly working for clients and having a limited amount of freedom in much of their work, the chance to strike out on their own and do something truly original and personal is a real luxury. The cards included represent some of the most creative design available, so they are a wonderful source of inspiration for all types of projects.
Tom ten prezentuje 30 projektów z ostatnich 3-5 lat. Projekty te zaprezentowane są w porządku alfabetycznym według architektów i designerów, w bardzo czysty i klarowny sposób. Plany i rzuty pokazują koncepcje budynków oraz poszczególne pomieszczenia.
Poznaj najnowszą wersję znanego narzędzia dla architektów - zainstaluj aplikację i poznaj interfejs użytkownika, wykorzystaj narzędzia projektowe, przygotuj dokumentację projektową i zestawienia materiałowe. ArchiCAD, produkt węgierskiej firmy Graphisoft, zyskał popularność wśród architektów. Ogromne możliwości i intuicyjna obsługa sprawiają, że praca projektanta jest szybsza i efektywniejsza. ArchiCAD pozwala nie tylko na tworzenie rzutów i przekrojów, ale również na przedstawienie projektu w postaci trójwymiarowej, przygotowanie dokumentacji oraz wydrukowanie rysunków na ploterze. Każda kolejna wersja programu to nowe możliwości i nowe narzędzia.
Dostępność: na zamówienie He best-selling CD-Art captures the finest CD cover and packaging design from around the world, and provides an international showcase of innovative work. This timely updated version of the original hardcover book looks at developments in the music industry today, and includes new work produced for the growing download market.The book looks at the ways in which designers excite the senses of sight and touch to create a fuller experience of a product more commonly associated with sound. Through a wealth of case studies, it shows how designers exploit the two- and three-dimensional qualities of CD packaging to create unique, collectable items.
No place like home New houses of elegance and distinction from around the world Beyond the fundamental notion of shelter, what defines a house? The broad-ranging selection of extraordinary dwellings in the Architecture Now! Houses series shows the concept to be infinitely malleable: one house seems to hover above the ground, another is embedded in it; some have stark minimal lines, others have tropical gardens; some are palatial, others monastic—all of them displaying remarkable structural and aesthetic mastery.
Where the grass really is greener Eco-friendly building in the world today The most exciting new buildings in the world are now almost all environmentally aware, sustainable, and conceived to consume far less energy than ever before. That architecture is one of the major sources of greenhouse gases in the world makes this new trend all the more significant. This book brings the best examples of green projects from the Architecture Now! series together with numerous new, never-seen-before projects. Well-known architects like Frank Gehry and Norman Foster are present right alongside young, up-and-coming creators from Latin America, the United States, Europe, and Asia.