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  • Wydawnictwo: Daab
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114,45 zł Cena

This book shows the progression of Interior Design of the Arabian countries. In contrast to many countries modeled according to the Western traditions, the Arabian culture is closely tied to religious and social values.

Art Spaces Architecture & Design
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Art Spaces Architecture &...

162,75 zł Cena

Dostępność: na zamówienie A surprising trend can be discerned in museum building since the end of the 1990s, one that still seems to be going strong today: an unprecedented number of grand-scale projects have been undertaken in recent years, ont only by private sponsors, but in many cases made possible instead by public funding.

Broadcast Design
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Broadcast Design

261,45 zł Cena

Dostępność: na zamówienie Broadcast design and television branding bear an important prominence in our world today. Audiovisual design, in terms of content and technology, is fast-paced: the TV landscape faces great changes in distribution channels and different content models. Those changes demand a strict strategic brand development, which should be suitable for the on-air designs as well as for a range of other media channels and merchandising. With Broadcast Design Björn Bartholdy introduces the corporate design of ten selected international TV channels like BBC, FOX or arte. It gives examples of on-air design positions, introduces the collaboration between channels and design agencies and features interviews of the channel's representatives.

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189,00 zł Cena

Cape Town is the third most populous city in South Africa and it is receiving the largest number of tourists of any South African city. It is a vivid aspiring town with a lot of new Hotels and Restaurants. Cape Town's architecture is a fascinating mosaic of Asian, European and African traditions mixed with more and more modern elements. The city's image remains uniquely defined by the majesty of Table Mountain and the surrounding two oceans. Foreign investors, attracted by the temperate climate and spectacular views, have commissioned magnificient homes on the Atlantic seaboard. This book provides an insight to modern architectural projects in Cape Town from the last four years. 

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146,27 zł Cena

Cape Town is the third most populous city in South Africa and it is receiving the largest number of tourists of any South African city. It is a vivid aspiring town with a lot of new Hotels and Restaurants. Cape Town's architecture is a fascinating mosaic of Asian, European and African traditions mixed with more and more modern elements. The city's image remains uniquely defined by the majesty of Table Mountain and the surrounding two oceans. Foreign investors, attracted by the temperate climate and spectacular views, have commissioned magnificient homes on the Atlantic seaboard. This book provides an insight to modern architectural projects in Cape Town from the last four years.

Chinese Design
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Chinese Design

114,45 zł Cena
Dostępność: na zamówienie In this book Chinese Design, we are pleased to introduce a wide array of different architectural projects, and the various designers, architectural ateliers and developers that have made these works come to light. The distribution of the book has been done in three chapters according to the three main geographical areas - Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong - where most of these projects are located. A fourth chapter covers the architectural projects located in other parts of the Chinese mainland.
Contemporary Corporate Architecture
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Contemporary Corporate...

208,95 zł Cena
Throughout history, institutions and governments have always constructed large and ostentatious buildings as a way of demonstrating their power. By means of this aspect of design, many fast-growing, predominantly young but established companies have publicized their growth and shored up their identity at the same time. Contemporary Corporate Architecture has become a further element of a company's identity, achieved through the cooperation of several disciplines such as visual communications, marketing and graphic design, among many others. Sustainability is an aspect increasingly present in this type of architecture, which incorporates different elements to reduce environmental impacts, particularly in relation to the type of materials used in construction.
Contemporary House Design
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Contemporary House Design

208,95 zł Cena
It is true, that our society is evolving at an increasingly rapid pace. Our way of life is changing along with our needs. In recent years the climate has been changing in a way that is perceptible for the first time in human existence. Therefore new building materials, groundbreaking techniques or a simple return to traditional forms of construction, together with carefully studied systems for saving energy and making the most of the resources afforded by nature, are conforming contemporary architecture.
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209,90 zł Cena
50 projektów dotyczących architektury krajobrazu. Na doskonałych zdjęciach i planach możemy zobaczyć, jak architekci potrafią zagospodarować nową przestrzeń architektoniczną bądź zmienić już istniejącą. Plus indeks z kontaktami do architektów i projektantów.50 projektów dotyczących architektury krajobrazu. Na doskonałych zdjęciach i planach możemy zobaczyć, jak architekci potrafią zagospodarować nową przestrzeń architektoniczną bądź zmienić już istniejącą. Plus indeks z kontaktami do architektów i projektantów.
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330,75 zł Cena
DAS F-PRINZIP® is an architectural 3D board game which encourages a playful examination of the letter F. This concept is based on a constellation of four equally formed F-shapes modelled on the walls of a rectangular room. The short lower bar of the F may serve as a partition. Purpose of the game is to explore the manifold, sheer endless possibilities of creating floor plans and three-dimensional constructions. As a connector between language, shape and function, DAS F-PRINZIP enhances spatial thinking. DAS F-PRINZIP® is the result of the artist Feyyaz' constant development of his own art environments. It compacts the idea of space into a recurring principle with numerous variants. Each set consists of four wooden F-shapes and a booklet in a box.
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93,45 zł Cena
This series presents international architects and designers who have not published an own book yet. Ferruccio Laviani is known for his design for famous customers like Dolce & Gabbana, FLOS, Kartell and many more. After going to the Technical Institute for Craftsmen Lute and Wood in Cremona he enrolled inthe Faculty of Architecture of the Milan Polytechnic where he followed course with Achille Castiglioni and Marco Zunaso. Before he opened his own copmpany in 1991, he worked for the Studio De Lucchi. This book shows parts of his work from the last 20 years.
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114,45 zł Cena

Italy enjoys a reputation earned by centuries of devotion to aesthetics. Many key figures of the development of architecture were Italians from Filippo Brunelleschi and Marcus Vitruvius to Andrea Palladio, not to forget Michelangelo. Nowadays the list of internationally renowned Italian architects is somewhat shorter and most of those architects' work is located outside the country. For example the Centre Pompidou in France by Renzo Piano. Italian architecture has become more international also due to younger architects who have studied and worked abroad. Other architects like Fabio Novembre have specialized on interior architecture with groundbreaking designs. In this field Italy still reigns supreme as shown every year at the International Furniture Show in Milan.

Jewelry Design
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Jewelry Design

180,60 zł Cena

Dostępność: na zamówienie Jewelry is commonly perceived as a beautiful piece of wearable art: stand-alone, sculptural, and aloof. However, in order to understand contemporary jewelry design, we need to view the work as we would the product of any design field: as conceptual projects, as material studies, as social commentaries, and as connections to the past. The various creations by international designers presented in this book give us an outline on current trends and developments in the field of jewelry.

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114,45 zł Cena
This publication demonstrates what effect high-qualtity and mordern architecture has on hospitals, doctor's offices, pharmacies and other health institutions, and what the future-oriented tendencies are for health sector buildings. The book offers a qualified selection of more than 60 projects around the world. Using photos, diagrams and floor plans, it illustrates the significance that a humanitarian architectural language will have in the modern and ever-changing health field. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed.
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198,45 zł Cena
Modern Baroque Interiors deals with an extraordinary design trend: Old buildings are restored to regain their charming essence. Baroque furniture, heavy curtains, chandeliers and winged chairs are set in high-tech surroundings. Gold, silver, burgundy and black emphasize the sophisticated and luxurious nature of the baroque essence. Ornaments and glitter dominate modern interiors. Purity and simplicity are combined with complexity and voluptuousness to create an astounding contrast. The come-back of the baroque style is triumphant. This book illustrates projects with outstanding baroque interiors from the past two years. An index with contact information on the designers and architects is enclosed.
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70,35 zł Cena

Pozycja niedostępna. Prosimy nie zamawiać Poczas gdy przestrzenny podział pomiędzy kuchnią, pokojem dziennym i jadalnią od zawsze był oddzielny, dziś bardzo często przestrzeń w której jadamy jest zintegrowana z pokojem dziennym. Powierzchnie zaprojektowane w sposób tak otwarty tworzą ogromne i przyjazne przestrzenie, które promują interakcje między uczestnikami życia w danym domu. Decyzyjnym tutaj jest kształt stołu do jedzenia, choć i rodzaj oświetlenia. Jeżeli projekt realizowany jest w małym pomieszczeniu - idealnym do takiego rozwiązania jest mały okrągły stół jadalny połączony z okrągłą lampą.

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61,95 zł Cena
New light design to prezentacja projektów światła we wnętrzach w wykonaniu najlepszych designerów w tej branży
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61,95 zł Cena

Patio jest przydomową przestrzenią zewnętrzną, które przy aktualnych tendencjach projektowych posiada bardzo dużo funkcji. W dawnych czasach było to miejsce służące jako pusta przestrzeń lub ewentualnie miejsce wentylacji i doświetlenia pomieszczeń domowych. Aktualnie architekci starają się zmieniać to miejsce i jego przeznaczenia - nawet w miejsach z chłodniejszym klimatem i mniejszą tradycją życia na zewnątrz domu. Uczucie przestrzenności i dobrego oświetlenia towarzyszą zawsze bardziej domom, które posiadają w swoim założeniu właśnie patio.

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61,95 zł Cena
Non Intentional Design defies all standards, is subversivley and beautiful and part of all cultures. The book shows, how people can modify very banal things due to creative use. NID deals with norms which are "abnormally" transformed - every day, everywhere, by everyone. It is about the use and the exploitation of objects already designed. Amazing, funny and inspiring things arise, and a totally new point of view on well known workaday things evolves.
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92,40 zł Cena
This series presents international architects and designer in monographies. Piero Lissoni is one of Italy's most successful Designers, leading a company in Milan with over 50 Architects and Designers. So far he is known more for his furniture design rather than his architecture. He is often thought of as a minimalist, but in reality, Piero Lissoni's aim is to create a complementary cohabitation of different styles. His highest goal is simplicity: as way of thinking, as an attitude, simplicity holds a great inner complexity. For Piero Lissoni it is always imperative to scale down and get to the bottom of things. Among his customers are renown companies such as Boffi and Matteograssi. The book introduces to a selection of his outstanding projects all around the world.
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114,45 zł Cena

Nie ma zbyt wielu zadań koncepcyjnych poza projektowaniem restauracji, które pokazałyby tak mocno efekt globalizacji. Często nawet ma to mniejszy związek z unifikacją międzynarodowych firm takich jak Starbucks i McDonalds, a większy z indywiudalnymi projektami - głównym tematem tej książki - ich różnorodnością jak nigdy wcześniej. Współczesne projektowanie restauracji jakkolwiek by na to nie patrzeć ma coraz mniej wspólnego z kulturą regionu (przyjnajmniej w miastach). Jeżeli Mark Newson tworzy wnętrza w Londynie lub Nowym Jorku, to projekt pokaże jego podpis, lecz nie zobaczymy tam dużego związku z miejscem.